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Home/BSTEC 125
BSTEC 125 2024-01-11T10:43:22+00:00


Highline College Business Technology student studyingStudents will learn how to utilize the Google Suite of online applications, including Google Documents, Sheets, Slides, and Forms.  Students will use these applications in an office environment. Students will also learn how to manage and share files and folders through Google Drive.

The details:

  • 5-credits
  • Google Drive – Manage files and folders and share files and folders
  • Google Docs – Customize your documents with images, tables, sections breaks, and collaborate life with others.
  • Google Sheets – Customize your the worksheet, use aggregate functions, add Pivot tables, add Charts, and collaborate life with others.
  • Google Slides – Customize your presentation using images and slide layouts, customize the slide by editing the style template, and collaborate life with others.
  • Google Forms – Create a basic and sectional form, add add-on to the form, create form criteria, collected and analyze form data with Google

The course offering:

  • Offer Winter Quarter
  • 5-credit course
  • Hybrid – T/Th 11:00-12:05 p.m.
  • Virtual modality, to mirror real-world meetings