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Home/BSTEC 175
BSTEC 175 2024-01-11T10:41:51+00:00

BSTEC 175 Virtual Communication

BSTEC 175 - Virtual Communication

Meetings have moved into the digital age!  Meetings are more than likely to be online, using a tool like Zoom, WebX, Teams, etc.  You don’t just walk into a conference room with your laptop (or pen and paper).  We have to have the right applications and the right connectivity.  We need to manage audio and video feeds, file sharing, and screen sharing. Someone might ask for an interactive whiteboard or a breakout room. You need to be able to troubleshoot if something isn’t working for someone. If you’re the meeting manager you have to set it all up and make sure everything works for all participants (wherever they may be).

The official catalog description:  Students will manage and operate virtual meeting applications using standard industry software. Students will manage online participants with audio and video. Students will manage online file-sharing, interactive whiteboards, chat sessions, group rooms, and links. Students will be able to demonstrate screen sharing and desktop management.

The course details:

  • Offer Spring Quarter
  • 5-credit course
  • Hybrid – M/W 11:00-12:05 p.m.
  • HyFlex modality, to mirror real-world meetings