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New Classes 2023-02-15T09:50:25+00:00

New Classes

Business Technology Department is happy to continue developing new classes to meet the industry needs.

BSTEC 95: is a partnership with ELCAP department to prepare students to gain the technology skills for the college rigorous classes. This class will be offered for the first time during the Spring 2023 quarter. Learn more about BSTEC 95



G Suite BSTEC 125BSTEC 125: to meet the industry demand of using Google office tools, BSTEC 125 was created to teach students how to use Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms. Learn more about BSTEC 125.


BSTEC 175 - Virtual CommunicationBSTEC 175: during the pandemic, companies struggled to convert all of their meeting to virtual. Therefore, this class is created to teach students to how to set up and facilitate virtual and online meetings with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, WebEx, and GoTo Meeting. Learn more about BSTEC 175.